Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia IAPP NAS RA
A. R. Mkrtchyan

Founder of IAPP NAS RA

A. R. Mkrtchyan

Honored Scientist, Acadimition Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Professor
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The Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia IAPP NAS RA

Non-Commercial State Organization Institute of Applied Problem of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia was founded in 1980 in the city of Yerevan of the Republic of Armenia by Academician of NAS RA, Honored Scientist, Scientific Director of the Institute, Professor A.R. Mkrtchyan, who worked at the institute until the end of his life (1980-2019), holding the position of advisor to the director and scientific director of the institute.

Scientific Leadership


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